{name} frank j. scherer; {date of birth} 22.10.1976; {place of birth} gießen, germany; {height} 6'2"/186 cm; {color of hair} brown; {color of eyes} brown; {mother tongue} german; {languages} english, french; {pitch of voice} baritone; {abilities} ballroom dance, fencing, guitar
{1983-1996} elementary school to high school at comprehensive school hungen; {1996-1997} civil service; {1997-2000} teachership studies at giessen-university; {2001-2004} acting school at schauspielschule mainz
{workshops} "faces of evil" with mario adorf (actor); "art of combat & techniques" with klaus figge (master of combat at folkwang acting school); filmworkshop with tim garde (actor, director)